Friday, June 1, 2007

Please welcome to the family

The new baby...(and us dorking out!)
Here's to safe and fun travels, cheers!


Anonymous said...

YEAH!!! Nice kid :) Hope your enjoying summer break!

Hugs and kisses, The Willoughbys

Uncle_Duck said...

Nice new kid.
One brother is in the Outback, The other drives in the Outback
Uncle Duck

Anonymous said...

aaah, such a sweet child that do know it didn't come equipped with all functioning 'bits', right??
Sometimes the Dr's don't inform new parents of these things ;o)

Ali and Ross said...

Our child is free to be whomever and whatever it chooses to be, regardless of the "bits"... we are now accepting applications for names... all serious suggestions will be considered... although knowing who will be reading this, we'll take what we can get!

Anonymous said...

nice to hear from you all and to know that you are doing should make a trip to tahoe with your new baby...

Anonymous said...

I risk being exposed as a retiree with too much time on her hands, but here goes with the naming challenge. "SUBARU" is a Japanese word meaning "unite." It is also a term identifying the Pleiades star cluster in the constellation Taurus that includes six stars visible to the average eye. According to Greek mythology, Atlas' daughters turned into this group of stars. Their names are Alcyone, Celaeno, Sterope, Taygeta, Maia, and Electra(their mother was Pleione). Since none of these names grabbed me, it boils down to my pedestrian, unimaginary suggestion of the name "Stella", which means star. Also, "A Streetcar Named Desire" is on of my favorites!

Ali and Ross said...

I kind of like "A Car Named Sue", like the Johnny Cash Song (or Shel Silverstein poem, whichever you prefer). But she is most often being referred to as "Subee". We're just too lazy to name our cars :)

Bud and Cindy said...

Sue is good. Plus it has a round about connection to Folsom via Johnny Cash.
