Sunday, October 19, 2008

The Princess and the Peas

Ayla had her first taste of peas today! Until now she has had nothing but breast milk and rice cereal mixed with breast milk (& a little water)... needless to say, the new taste was quite a shock! But she managed to finish the entire serving! Kim, look away, I know how you feel about watching children eat!

After dinner she explored Daddy's tattoo...


The Little Family said...

If you think that's gross... wait until you see the diaper for the aftermath.

Bud and Cindy said...

Well, Grammy got the pleasure of the "aftermath diaper" this afternoon. Ahhhh, the memories..... I've put in for hazardous duty pay, but I belong to a very weak union.

Ali and Ross said...

Grammy we will double your triple!!! Wait, what's 3 x 0? ;)

The Little Family said...

Oh Cindy... you really took one for the team!!! As we look to the future, just say no to bananas!