Saturday, August 9, 2008


I now have proof that pregnancy hormones are real!!! I bought this outfit while pregnant with Ayla & thought it was the cutest thing ever. It's a size 6 month so she hasn't been able to model it yet. Since many of her 3 month outfits are beginning to get snug, we decided to take out some of her 6 month clothes to see if they fit yet...

The good news is they are beginning to fit, which expands her fashion repertoire... the bad news is, this little outfit, that my pregnant mind thought was sooo adorable looks like it would be right at home on the Brady Bunch set! I've had "Keep on, keep on, keep on, keep on dancing all through the night, gonna keep on, keep on, keep on doin' it right..." in my head ALL DAY LONG!... and now you have it in your head... sorry about that, but if I must suffer so should you ;)

What was I thinking????


Bud and Cindy said...

We think it's cute!!!!! Of course, our kids were born in the 70's. As always, very jealous of the elastic waist....

Vanessa said...

At least she has an incredibly cool aunty to take her shopping ;)

Ali and Ross said...

You may be mistaking the cuteness of the baby with the cuteness of the outfit... I mean, c'mon, this girl can pull off any look... actually, I think there is a picture of me out there somewhere rocking this same look circa 1975/76...
"I think I'll go for a walk outside now, the summertime's calling my name (I hear ya now) I just can't stay inside all day, I've gotta get out get me some of those rays..."

Brent said...

when it's time to Change it's time to re-arrange... shalalalalala la la la la la....