Sunday, December 20, 2009

We're back... well, we never technically left. We've just been busy over on facebook. I do like the blog though & will continue to vow to update it regularly. Whether or not that actually happens remains to be seen but my good intentions are there... and who knows, maybe by the time I'm done in here pretending to be busy on the computer, Ross will have the living room clean! A girl can dream!
We have been keeping busy with all of our Christmakkah festivities. It is our greatest joy to share old & new traditions with Ayla. She is really enjoying Hanukkah & Christmas this year!

Tomorrow we head to Monterey for a much needed & deserved family trip. We are staying in a one bedroom cottage in Pacific Grove, a short walk from the Monarch butterfly sanctuary & Asilomar State Beach. We are also going to take Ayla to the aquarium for the first time. We are SOOOO looking forward to it all! We'll post pics & stories soon!

Happy holidays!!!!!!

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