We had another great weekend. Friday night we went up to to Kim & Bob's house for dinner. It was so great to hang out with them again! Kim made some delicious lasagna & also somehow knew that I've been craving garlic bread! They just finished a new master bedroom/ bath addition & it is BEAUTIFUL! Thanks for having us guys!
Saturday, our friends Cory & Linda came down from Carson City, NV. We went to Apple Hill to sample the pie (it had to be done) and we also found the perfect pumpkin... hmmm... it sure got us thinking of the not too distant future when my belly will be rather pumpkin like!
Cory & Ross (who apparently is SUPER cool)
While we were there, Grandma W presented us with more hand- made goodies:
Does Cindy make those booties in a size 10? Absolutely adoreable! It was great to have you guys over!!
I know! I want a pair too! They are sooo soft & delicious!
First, that Apple Hill picture made me more than homesick! I need me some mountain air! smoke & ash are the only things on the menu for the foreseeable future.
And, I do believe that ever single baby should have themselves a pair of knitted Uggs. Absolutely!
She's one Rockin' Grandma already!
Of course! We knew she would be! And I'm only heading into my 4th month...imagine how many more lovelies are being planned as we speak!
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